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Born in Moscow region, USSR
Lives & works in Zurich, Switzerland

I was immediately fascinated by the ability to freeze a beautiful moment in time. The art of photography had captivated me with its magic forever. I cannot say for sure when my love for photography has developed. I remember though that I spent my very first salary at the age of 14 to buy a small portable film camera - a simple Kodak. Probably it was the moment I put the film into the camera and started taking pictures of the world around me... I was immediately fascinated by the ability to freeze a beautiful moment in time. The art of photography had captivated me with its magic forever.


The next year I found another summer job to earn more money and buy a bigger film camera  - Canon, which provided me with a better opportunity to learn professional photography. I dedicated the rest of that year to reading specialist literature and learning how to take "nice" pictures. My dear friends encouraged me to continue experimenting with various photo styles, and some of them were even brave enough to work as a model (I admire their courage and readiness to serve the art of photography in spite of the dangerous and - at times - life-threatening conditions).


With time film cameras were substituted by digital ones. Though I tried to keep my pictures made on film for as long as possible, in the end, I had to switch my camera and join the world of digital photography. This change brought another challenge with it - the need to learn Photoshop. It did not take long before I had mastered the program and found out the ease of photo correction by a single click. However, my love for film has never really died.


Nature and landscape photography are my favourite motives. The true beauty of nature has always impressed me and inspires me today when I take my camera and go to discover the secrets of the surrounding environment: be it a meditative hike in the mountains or a simple walk in the forest nearby. My camera brings another, very different perspective, it is like a third eye that opens a door to another world - a world that most of us don't perceive anymore, being too absorbed by the daily routine. Having a camera in my hands makes me slow down and pay attention to the beauty of nature, see the little details that usually go unnoticed in our busy lives. Clic - and the moment is saved; take a look at my pictures and see the world from my perspective.


Recently, I have tried my hand at creating a documentary movie. There was an issue that had been on my mind for a long time and my thoughts took the form of a film. Some might say that it is a rather provocative movie, but I see it in a different way after meeting people who were exposed to serious integration problems. And shouldn't art be sometimes provocative? You can make your own opinion in the video section.

If you would like to visit the most beautiful places in Switzerland and learn more about the country and its traditions, feel free to contact me

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